Mayhem II - Girls light up
There's a bit of a discussion in the kingdom of blog about women leadership. It's Mayhem II. The whole discussion started off after
Mayhem, a conference of 260 emerging leaders and bloggers in Ohio earlier this month. The men did all the leading and talking while the women (apparently) made the coffee. The concert had the slogan of "Not Alone".
Once it all sunk in that there weren't too many women leading, or coordinating discussions, and that some women did feel "alone",
Lilly Lewin had a rant. Chris Marshall reposted the rant on his site
here on Jan 19 and got 34 comments... Amber Bishop posted
this the same day.
Then it all happened. Mahem II.
Jonny Baker has done lots of posts on this, as has
Maggi Dawn. Jordan Cooper posted
this post from Jenny Baker.Jenny suggested that men and women do not know how to be good mates with each other. Jenny suggested that some fear inappropriate relationships.
Sure, that can happen. A 2001 study by the Fuller Institute of Church Growth found that 37% of pastors were involved in
inappropriate sexual relationships.
Back to Jordon. He said he is so appalled by the narrow-mindedness of some replies regarding women that he feels like giving up blogging. But he blogged today. Read the replies, and other comments made today
Jen lemen
rants here, calling for women to have a louder voice and to be released as more than a whisper in the emerging church. She also rants
here in response to comments from Jenny Baker and Jordan .
Adam Cleaveland
busted out of the court of women while
Darren from the Living Room asks if the Emerging Church was just a male thing.
Molly and
Bill Bean have also done posts, as has
Tammy Jo Reiser, who notes that this discussion happened way before the Mayhem conference. Perhaps the Mayhem conference aftermath brought these issues to light.
The Red Pill also blogs here on the issue,
Blue Tapp Scheffer comments here, and Becky
Barkaway joins in here, - and
Stephen Garner posts a few links from Reality Magazine.
So what started off as one rant turned into this debate - and it hasn’t finished yet. But then again, this is not just about a debate, it's about a discussion that if it is worth having, must result in some action - and I don`t mean sisterhood gatherings.
But if this discussion is merely hot air and keyboard tapping, everything will remain same-old same-old.