::Our week from hell::
I guess most of the following happens to most people at some stage or other, but not usually all in the one week….but this was our week from hell, and the week is not over yet.
Saturday: ( or was it Sunday, it's so long ago now) : - while waterblasting the garage, the power went out when the extension cord short- circuited and blew a fuse. Power out until fuse replaced
Monday - fence blew down and smashed in the stormy weather -the worst summer storm in New Zealand for 20 years. In the evening the car broke down - my wife had to get it towed back to our local garage, and hitch a ride home with her dad.
Tuesday - woke up crook, not much sleep, had a small fire in the kitchen when the stove element started to melt the frypan and smoked out the kitchen- flames poured out the element. Had a crying son to deal with as he couldn’t go to creche as we couldn’t take him on the car. And as it was pelting with rain and was blowing a howling gale there was no point walking down. Got the car back from the garage as our mechanic said he couldn't find anything wrong with it. But he had other things on his mind - a giant tree smashed into his house in the previous night's storm, narrowly missing his sleeping daughter. There was a picture of the mess in the morning paper, with a gaping hole in his house. His daughter was about a foot away from being killed.
Wednesday - washing machine broke down. Flooded the washroom. Took a while to clean up the mess. However it could have been worse - had we not been home at the time the whole house could have been flooded out as the taps would not turn off.
Thursday - smashed a wing mirror on the car. It was, in many respects, a good day. As per my normal Thursday evening, went to the pub - during another thunderstorm - and had a great time catching up with friends. It's my weekly gig.
Friday - had to buy a new washing machine as our current washing machine couldn't be fixed. We still had to pay the $65 call-out charge to be told - in five minutes - we had to replace the washing machine. Work out the hourly rate for that!
Car broke down again. Can't get it fixed until next week. Couldn't use the car so I thought I`d cut the grass. Nothing could happen to the mower, surely. Wrong. Had to spend half an hour fixing the mower - including taking off the blade.
Saturday -tomorrow. Not sure what will happen tomorrow, but we haven't got a reliable car we can use, and our washing machine doesn't arrive until Sunday morning.
Oh well, at least we've still got an Internet connection, a roof over our head and some coffee in the fridge, so I suppose I`ll get up in the morning…. Hope we can borrow a car to get to a party we are supposed to be going to Sunday evening to farewell a friend ( Liz) who is going to the States. Looking forward to it.
UPDATE: Have just been rung to say the party has been cancelled - Liz has changed her mind. She's not going to the States after all. So no need for a party, she thinks. Why not just have it anyway? I mean, I've gone to all the trouble trying to organise a car...
So, how's your week been, then?